Device services
Default coordinator setting
- DPA UART coordinator plugin, 57600 Bd
- LP networks enabled
- Access Password, 16x0
- Tx power, 7
- Rx filter, 7 (Advised for ANY IQRF Linux gateway)
Default services setting
- IQRF Gateway daemon
- IQRF Gateway webapp
- IQRF Gateway controller
- IQRF Gateway setter
- IQRF Gateway uploader
- IQRF Cloud provisioning
- Mosquitto MQTT broker
- Mender OTA update and remote management
- M/Monit monitoring
- SSH server
- Zeroconf Avahi
- Network manager
- Modem manager
- Time synchronization
- APCUPSD manager
IQRF Gateway daemon
- MQTT client connected to port 1883
- WebSocket server ports 1338, 1438
- UDP ports 55000 and 55300
- Tip: Explore more about its configuration via web interface.
- Tip: Explore more about daemon API.
sudo systemctl status iqrf-gateway-daemon.service
IQRF Gateway webapp
- HTTP server is running on port 80.
- Action: Create your own user once logging for the first time, there is a guide.
- Tip: Explore IQRF Gateway daemon's possibilities using web interface.
sudo systemctl status nginx.service
IQRF Gateway controller
Controls gateway's button and led.
While button is being pressed green LED is on.
- after 2s of being pressed red LED flashes 1x: selected daemon API call is executed upon button release
- after 6s of being pressed red LED flashes 2x: gateway power off is executed upon button release
- after 10s of being pressed red LED flashes 3x: gateway factory setting is executed upon button release
- 1-10s button press power off the gateway gracefully.
- 10s button press restores default IQRF Gateway daemon's and IP configuration and restarts the daemons.
- Green LED slow flashing means that the daemon is running in operational/forwarding mode.
- Green LED fast flashing means that the daemon is running in service mode.
- Red LED slow flashing means that the daemon service is not running.
- Red LED fast flashing means that the daemon interface is not correctly configured.
sudo systemctl status iqrf-gateway-controller.service
IQRF Gateway setter
An util that allows to setup the gateway ID and distribute it to all necessary locations in the file system. It also setups GPIO mapping for the gateway device, secure MQTT broker, performs backup of configuration files for later restore and restarts all necessary services.
It is invoked during very first boot and creates a flag in file system that it has been run already so next boot it exits gracefully if the flag is found.
sudo systemctl status iqrf-gateway-setter.service
IQRF Gateway uploader
An util that allows to upload IQRF hex, plugin and TR configuration to the TR module via SPI interface.
It is invoked and used by the gateway web application.
sudo iqrf-gateway-uploader -h
IQRF Cloud provisioning
An util that allows to setup IQRF Gateway daemon MQTT connection to IQRF cloud server.
It is invoked and used by the gateway setter application during initial boot.
sudo systemctl status iqrf-cloud-provisioning.service
Mosquitto MQTT broker
MQTT broker is running on port 1883. There is deafult user: iqrf and password: your particular GWID. Default user and password has been added since image v1.5.0.
- Tip: IQRF Gateway daemon is already configured and connected to it.
- Tip: Check simple examples for bash.
sudo systemctl status mosquitto.service
Mender OTA update and remote management
Having all the gateways at one place with uploading and troubleshooting capabilities? Remote terminal and port forwarding is possible.
- Login at or set up your own open-source Mender server.
- The client services can be configured and controlled using gateway web interface.
sudo systemctl status mender-client.service
sudo systemctl status mender-connect.service
M/Monit monitoring
Having all the gateways at one place with monitoring capabilities?
- Set up your own M/Monit server
- The client service can be configured and controlled using gateway web interface.
sudo systemctl status monit.service
SSH server
SSH server is by default disabled. When enabled it runs on port 22.
lower and v1.5.x
- Default credentials:
(Armbian image) - Default credentials:
(Yocto image)
v1.6.x and higher
Default credentials:
/your particualGWID
(Armbian image)Default credentials:
/your particularGWID
(Yocto image)Tip: Use gateway web (/gateway/ssh) page to enable SSH service if required.
Tip: Use e.g. Putty client to log in to the gateway.
Action: Create your own user once log in for the first time.
sudo systemctl status ssh.service
Zeroconf Avahi
Do not know your IP address from DHCP server within your network?
- Action:Zeroconf for Win
- Tip: Ping your device using: ping -4 your-gw-hostname.local
The hostname can be found either on the gateway label or via gateway web interface in the information page.
sudo systemctl status avahi-daemon.service
Network manager
GW ETH is configured for DHCP IP by default.
- Tip: It is possible to switch to static IP using gateway web application.
GW Wi-Fi is not configured by default.
- Tip: Wi-Fi dongle can be configured by the customer using gateway web application.
GW GSM is not configured by default.
- Tip: GSM dongle can be configured by the customer using gateway web application.
Wireguard VPN network client can be configured using gateway web application.
sudo systemctl status NetworkManager.service
Modem manager
It manages serial link connection to LTE modem. It works together with Network manager to handle complete LTE functionality. CLI util mmcli is available. Modem can be fully restarted by supported systemd service.
sudo systemctl status ModemManager.service
Time synchronization
- Armbian image: systemd-timesyncd client
- Yocto image: systemd-timesyncd client
Keep gateway time in sync.
- Tip: Configure your local timezone using gateway web application.
sudo systemctl status systemd-timesyncd.service
APCUPSD manager
Power management for IQRF UPS device. Service is disabled by default. Service can be managed using gateway web application.
sudo systemctl status apcupsd.service