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  • Image v1.6.0 (Armbian Jammy and Yocto Kirkstone)
    • Daemon: Release v2.5.x
    • Daemon: DALI command included in FRC response
    • Daemon: Standard FRC reworked with little fixes
    • Daemon: IQRF repository cache fix for DALI standard
    • Daemon: Default FRC timeout changed from infinite to 2 minutes
    • Webapp: Release v2.5.x
    • Webapp: Password change for root/admin users enabled in initial setup wizard and SSH service page
    • Webapp: Mender client v4 supported
    • Webapp: Backup manager improved
    • Webapp: Spinner added for reboot and poweroff actions
    • Cloud: IQRF cloud system supported
    • Image: Armbian build v23.11
    • Image: Default Armbian SSH root password set to gateway ID
    • Image: Default Yocto SSH admin password set to gateway ID
    • IQRF Gitlab tag: v24.05.0

-- Rostislav Spinar Fri, 10 May 2024 12:35:00 +0200

  • Image v1.5.1 (Armbian Jammy and Yocto Kirkstone)
    • Daemon: Release v2.5.x
    • Daemon: IQRF-UDP protocol reworked and completed
    • Daemon: IQRFPY library support
    • Webapp: Release v2.5.x
    • Webapp: Mobile connections improved
    • Webapp: Mobile connections LTE watchdog supported
    • Webapp: Monit system checks setting enabled
    • Webapp: System services menu created
    • Webapp: Tuptime log added into gateway diagnostic logs
    • Image: Armbian build v23.11.1
    • Image: Node-RED programming tool added
    • IQRF Gitlab tag: v24.01.0

-- Rostislav Spinar Mon, 29 Jan 2024 11:15:00 +0100

  • Image v1.5.0 (Armbian Jammy and Yocto Kirkstone)
    • Daemon: Release v2.4.x
    • Deamon: Runs after gateway time-synchronization is done or after 2 m timeout
    • Daemon: Address space allocation and MID list extentions for AutoNetwork
    • Daemon: DPA params and Maintanance IQMESH services supported
    • Daemon: Lite DB supported and accessible via IQRF Info API
    • Daemon: Scheduler reworked, support for a task enabling and disabling
    • Daemon: IQRF Repository cache update support
    • Webapp: Release v2.5.x
    • Webapp: Bonding NFC reader added
    • Webapp: Address space allocation and MID list support for AutoNetwork
    • Webapp: Standard manager network enumeration with list of devices table
    • Webapp: IP manager ETH, WiFi, GSM reworked
    • Webapp: Log management improved, Journal dynamic loading supported
    • Webapp: Gateway maintanance supported, Backup and restore, Remote monitoring
    • Webapp: Support for KONA-RASP-04 adapter mapping
    • Webapp: Support for APCUPSD service management
    • Webapp: IQRF Repository cache update support
    • Controller: Release v1.4.x, software extended and improved
    • Setter: Release v1.1.x, software extended and improved
    • MQTT broker: secured by default user: iqrf, password: GWID string
    • APCUPSD manager: Power management for IQRF UPS device added
    • Mender clients: Included and configurable via Webapp UI
    • Pixla client: Removed, not supported any more
    • Onboard WiFi: Disabled by default, recommended to use USB WiFi dongle
    • Power uUSB changed from USB device to USB host mode to support IQRF UPS
    • Linux kernel: 5.15.x-rpi
    • Armbian LTS Jammy release
    • Yocto application Docker containers supported
    • Yocto LTS Kirkstone release
    • IQRF Gitlab tags: v23.04.0

-- Rostislav Spinar Tue, 17 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0100


1.6.0 stable; urgency=medium

[ Karel Hanak ] [ Roman Ondráček ] [ Rostislav Spinar ]

  • Armbian image:

    • iqd-gw-04_armbian-jammy_uart_v160_20240417.img.gz
  • Yocto image:

    • iqd-gw-04_yocto-kirkstone_uart_v160_20240525.sdimg.bz2
    • iqd-gw-04_yocto-kirkstone_uart_v160_20240525.mender
  • IQRF GW software

    • iqrf-gateway-daemon (2.5.7)
    • iqrf-gateway-webapp (2.5.20)
    • iqrf-gateway-controller (1.5.0)
    • iqrf-gateway-uploader (1.0.7)
    • iqrf-gateway-setter (1.3.0)
    • iqrf-cloud-provisioning (0.1.1)
    • Armbian updates for LTS Jammy release
    • Yocto updates for LTS Kirkstone release

-- Rostislav Spinar Mon, 27 May 2024 13:50:00 +0200

1.5.1 stable; urgency=medium

[ Karel Hanak ] [ Roman Ondráček ] [ Rostislav Spinar ]

  • Armbian image:

    • iqd-gw-04_armbian-jammy_uart_v151_20240129.img.gz
  • Yocto image:

    • iqd-gw-04_yocto-kirkstone_uart_v151_20240119.sdimg.bz2
    • iqd-gw-04_yocto-kirkstone_uart_v151_20240119.mender
  • IQRF GW software

    • iqrf-gateway-daemon (2.5.6)
    • iqrf-gateway-webapp (2.5.16)
    • iqrf-gateway-controller (1.5.0)
    • iqrf-gateway-uploader (1.0.7)
    • iqrf-gateway-setter (1.2.2)
    • Armbian updates for LTS Jammy release
    • Yocto updates for LTS Kirkstone release

-- Rostislav Spinar Mon, 29 Jan 2024 11:30:00 +0100

1.5.0 stable; urgency=medium

[ Karel Hanak ] [ Roman Ondracek ] [ Vasek Hanak ] [ Marek Belisko ] [ Rostislav Spinar ]

  • Armbian image:

    • iqd-gw-04_armbian-bullseye_uart_v150_20230414.img.gz
  • Yocto image:

    • iqd-gw-04_yocto-kirkstone_uart_v150_20230424.sdimg.bz2
    • iqd-gw-04_yocto-kirkstone_uart_v150_20230424.mender
  • IQRF GW software

    • Daemon: v2.4.3
    • Webapp: v2.5.6
    • Controller: v1.4.2
    • Uploader: v1.0.5
    • Setter: v1.1.5
    • Armbian updates for LTS Jammy release
    • Yocto updates for LTS Kirkstone release
    • Yocto SDK for LTS Kirkstone release

-- Rostislav Spinar Mon, 24 Apr 2023 09:12:00 +0100