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Open-source components for building IQRF Gateway.

IQRF Gateway Daemon project provides open-source components for building IQRF Gateways based on Linux system. Together they form ready-to-use solution, including an user-friendly IQRF Gateway Webapp.

Components can be extended or added based on the project's requirements. All components are licenced under Apache Licence 2.0 and can be used for commercial purposes.

IQRF GW daemon

IQRF Gateway Daemon overview

IQRF GW webapp

IQRF Gateway Webapp overview

Why v2 and v3

  • Modular design

  • IQRF Standard supported and exposed as JSON API

    • Working with IQRF Repository
    • Offline cached support
  • IQMESH Services introduced and exposed as JSON API

    • Convenient for system integrators
    • Leaving DPA protocol bits and bytes to us
  • IQRF Generic API is kept alive

    • Working with DPA bits and bytes as in GW Daemon v1
  • Reworked IQMESH Manager in Webapp

    • Making use of IQMESH Services as mentioned above
  • WebSocket channel introduced

    • Enables Docker containers for End-apps more easily
    • TLS secured
  • IQRF UART interface supported

  • Unicast, broadcast and FRC timing supported

    • GW Daemon knows correct time to wait for DPA response
  • Growing base of examples and reference apps

    • Great inspiration on how to work with our JSON API from your favourite programming language
  • Long term support